
New National Party

Carnival Message from the Ministry of Social Development and Housing



ST. GEORGE’S, GRENADA, July 22, 2015: As our societies continue to evolve, so too should techniques related to parenting. Challenges such as the influence of social media, peer pressure, childhood obesity and overall safety of children pose major concerns to parents. However, there is help and there is hope.

One of the first steps towards addressing these challenges is for parents to educate themselves. The more educated you are of the issues facing your children, the wiser your decisions will be and less worry will occur. Additionally, it is critical for you to maintain clear and concise communication paths with your children- talk freely with them and encourage them to be open with you. Maintain healthy relationships with them at all times.

For the Carnival Season and always you are reminded to be SPICY Parents:

S: Speak to your children about expected behaviours

P: Pay attention to their activities in and outside of the home

I: Inspire good/desired behaviour by modeling those behaviours yourself

C: Check on your children to ensure that you are aware of their whereabouts

Y: You are responsible for your children, so take control

Remember, your children look to your for direction and guidance. Be the support that they need.


For more information please contact Ms. Deborah Cudjoe, Coordinator of the National Parenting Programme, Ministry of Social Development and Housing. 440-2269 Ext 1016.

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