
New National Party

Grenada’s Citizenship by Investment Programme pitched to Asia

ST. GEORGE'S, GRENADA, NOVEMBER 16, 2015, GOVERNMENT INFORMATION SERVICE (GIS): - Implementation minister Alexandra Otway has told an international audience on the Asian contingent that Grenada is the perfect option for investors on the hunt for a Caribbean success story.

The government minister was addressing more than 200 delegates, who gathered in Singapore for a Citizenship by Investment and International Residence Summit recently.

The delegates were brought up to speed with the progress, including level of economic gains made in Grenada since the return of the Keith Mitchell administration.

The former tourism minister also spoke of significant gains Grenada has made in the tourism industry and the fact that the island’s economy has been identified as a model in the region.

The summit focused on Grenada’s Citizenship by Investment Programme which was revived in 2013.

The Minister brought greetings from Prime Minister Dr.Keith Mitchell and talked with pride of Grenada’s Citizenship by Investment Programme, which, in little more than two years, has been gaining considerable strides.

She noted that the Programme was accessible to individuals who wanted to see returns on their investments sooner than later.

The Minister reiterated that Grenada would continue to test each project applicant under a strict due diligence lens.

The Citizenship by Investment Summit came to Asia after gaining momentum in Europe last year.


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