
New National Party

Hon. Emmalin Pierre meets with Constituency Council


On Wednesday November 5th, Hon. Emmalin Pierre held her quarterly meeting with the members of the St. Andrew South East Constituency Council.

The Parliamentary Representative used the opportunity to report to the council on achievements in the constituency of St. Andrew South East from July 1st to October 31st 2014, to inform them of initiatives that will be launched in the next three months, and to garner their suggestions for priority intervention in 2015.

In the very open and engaging session, MP Pierre took the time to provide answers to questions asked by members of council and to explain the rationale behind the programmatic and management focus of the MP in the constituency.

The St. Andrew South East Constituency Council is an initiative by Mrs. Pierre, as parliamentary representative, to deepen and expand opportunities for persons in the constituency to have a voice in the governance process.

This, she believes, is consistent with the manifesto, the basis on which she was elected, and also with her personal philosophy.

The Council, which was introduced on a trial basis, meets quarterly to:

·         Receive a monthly report from the Parliamentary Representative

·         Review and make recommendations on constituency plans and priorities

·         Identify and report on issues of concern in or to the constituency

·         Offer general advice and suggestions

The council is non-political in its membership meaning that persons are selected without regard for their personal political affiliations (or if they have any).

Having proven its effectiveness, the next council meeting is carded for January 14, 2015 at which it is intended that council members will be formally appointed to serve. The council comprises of a mix of persons from all villages in the constituency.

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