
New National Party

CARILED and the Ministry of Carriacou and Petite Martinique Affairs Collaborating in Local Economical Development on the Sister-Isle

Between 2012 and 2018, the Caribbean Local Economic Development (CARILED) program will help local communities in the Caribbean region establish business environments to support small and medium-sized enterprises.  Carriacou and Petite Martinique are among 7 countries that are benefiting from the program as demonstration sites of Local Economic Development (LED).

On Friday 21st February, a team representing the program – including the OECS Sub-regional Coordinator Mr. Felix Finsterre and Manager of Knowledge and Communications Miss. Kizzann Lee Sam – together with Acting Permanent Secretary Mrs.Gertrude Niles and ministry staff, visited the island of Petite Martinique to conduct a number of activities. These activities involved a site of the I.T Centre and meeting with stakeholders to discuss possible Development Projects (LDPs) for the island.

In meeting with the stakeholders, some of the areas that were discussed are as follows:

  1. Development of the fishing industry by equipping fishermen and by extension assisting in the funding of training programs in the use of fishing equipment.
  2. Skills Training Center to develop the skills of the young people on the island.
  3. Alternative methods of fishing to ease the strain on the reefs.
  4. Fishing Complex
  5. Boosting tourism by means of museum, trails and tourist information center.
  6. Installation of a decompression chamber for divers.
  7. The soon to be installed ICT Bridge at the I.T Center.

Other meetings and discussion would be held on the island in an effort to select projects that are most needed and recommended by the stakeholders on the island.

For Further Information, please contact: The Public Relations Department, Ministry of Carriacou and Petite Martinique Affairs.

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